Seafarer's Day


On the 3rd of July 2019, ALAM have been invited to participate in the seafarers day event conducted by Marine Department of Malaysia situated at Port Kelang. We were ask to be there for a straight lining duty to escort Yang Berbahagia Loke Siew Fook the Minister of Transportation of Malaysia who came during the event

The Seafarer's Day comes with the slogan of I am Onboard with Gender Equality. Lots and lots of people were there including the famous actor Azhar Sulaiman who came by with her stunning daughter to receive an award for sea scout in high school.

After the event launched , we were given the opportunity to embark on a modern ship called MPV Polaris which is a multipurpose vessel sailing under Mardep (Marine Department). It can do many things but mainly focused on bringing the bouys as  markers along the Port Kelang area

We were awed by the modern equipment but mostly due to the fact that most of us have never set our foot in a vessel before😂.
This is where we were staying as our warden said "A six star hotel" which is true in a way.All the facilities were complete and we had a very pleasant stay there with the community

This was me who was very impressed by the design of the vessel itself(mind the handsomeness)

The magnificent view of the bridge by our own photographer Zaid Mazda

A Family of sorts with our Father / Warden ,Port Pilot and the Chief Officer of the Polaris

This was a glimpse of the hectic moment as the photograph session roared onboard

We had a great time there even if its just for a short period of time.We at least had the picture of what we will be doing onboard in the future
 To myself who was flabbergasted by the tour , were thankful as it was my first experience onboard a vessel.

To anyone who wants to have the same experience , I really recommend going to ALAM  and experience it yourself. I think that's it for now. Stay tune for the next entry by me and my classmates.



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