ALAM? Mana tu? Kat Shah Alam ke? Itulah soalan yang sering ditanya oleh keluarga or kawan-kawan or yg paling memeningkan "Ooo yang navy , askar laut tu ea?" . Paling gempak dah tu. Ok for today , I will be posting a little bit about ALAM . So let's start to move
ALAM or Akademi Laut Malaysia is an academy or institution to prepare the young ones for the sea which will later be call a seafarer . Most of the people around Malaysia is still not aware of the existence of this academy. This academy is a subsidiary of MISC . Maybe ramai yang tanya "Apa contoh subjek yang korang belajar kat sana?"
Well mostly subject which is related to navigation at sea such as Principle of Navigation , Chart work . Collision Regulation (pening woo hafal rule😖) and ada juga Seamanship Practical (subjek ni kitaorang kena gi workshop and blajar pasal ikatan tali ats kapal)
So lets indulge ourselves with some photos shall we?
This one I'll just show you guys pics in coverall
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Four of the many crazy classmates that I have. Masa ni dh senior time dah , tgk rambut ah . |
This is the coverall that we wear during practical classes
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Ni first time wearing coverall . boleh tgk betapa putihnya coverall masa ni. Lepas camp ja trus jd kuning |
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Budak-budak botak in action plus jakun dpt coverall baru |
Ni pula masa senior. Hari hujan yg sama mcm pic first tu. Patutnya ada lagi sorang ladies. Takpe I'll show you in my next entry ok?
Ni baru skit ja gambar-gambarnya and sume pakai coverall . Untuk next entry aku postkan yg pakai uniform cam masa naik kapal MV Polaris tu. This entry is for those who wants to seek information pasal ALAM ni , sbb aku dulu pun slalu mencari kat Internet serba sedikit sebelum masuk tempat ni.
I hope this entry will help you guys in your inquiries or just tuk mengisi masa korang.
Wait for my next entry which I'll be continuing this entry.
That's all for now , Haikal signing off
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