ALAM??? Part 2

Welcome back peeps, as promised the second part for ALAM???

OK this time around i would like to enlighten y'all on the official attire at ALAM while explaining a bit about everything 

So as  usual let's start to move

As you guys probably had guessed ALAM trains seafarers to work internationally not only domestic.So, there was a day where we have to go and make our seaman book and our seaman card at MARDEP or Marine Department Melaka Branch. this documents acts as a passport to board a ship or vessel. Its is mandatory to bring this on board as it shows our last vessel and where we have been travelling. Long story short we went there not only for the book n card but've guessed it , a photography session


Influenced by a Zombie Kampung Pisang's scene

Candid as fudge

Our photo prior to the dodge ball competition

PT at cafe

This attire comprises of a white and blue shirt with tracksuits


Moving on to our next attire which we like to call a Smart Casual uniform. We wear this uniform when going dinner,role call and outing . It has the same pattern with the PT attire but different in colour which as you guys can see in a short while its in red and black 

Our last goodbye to our classmate Afieqah as this was the last day she's with us

Nevertheless , that is our Smart Casual


Last but not least our No.2 Attire A.K.A White on white. Most of us loves this attire but hate it at the same time

Pros: Look like we are in the Navy
Cons: Its so hard to take care as it is white all over

Don't believe me?     Take a closer look

This pic was taken after we became the welcoming party for officer's from a shipping

Those are all the uniform or attire that I can show to you guys for now , there is one more uniform which is our No.1 or our Convocation uniform which we have not received it yet. Keep on checking for that in the future but for now I'm going to get my beauty sleep

So have fun in life and in your endeavours

This is Haikal signing off
