Fun Run Sungai Linggi

Running is not a tough challenge for us in ALAM as we ran almost every morning during out PT(Physical Training). This was my mindset in the beginning , but I never thought that we had to run for a competition. That's when I really know my weaknesses as I did not have enough stamina to run continuously for 5 km

Our class advisor told us on one faithful day that we as a whole class have to run for the Fun Run . We were flabbergasted as it was out of the blue at that  moment.

Then, she slowly coax us by telling that we were sponsored by someone and that we will receive a lot of benefits if we join this run. One of her main points is that we will receive a t-shirt, finisher medal and certificate not only that but we will also get a free McDonald burger and Milo. 

Not wanting to disappoint her , we all went to the run and it was a good experience as we were having a wonderful day running and laughing. Even though none of us win the top five , we felt grateful as we were bonding not to mention we met our lecturer running there with us.

So for my entry today I would like to show to you guys the pictures on that day

On our way to sungai linggi where everybody was excited 

The chaotic moment prior to the photography session

Finally, got to take a group picture but this is the early group that have arrived earlier

Aiman and Amar enjoying their Milo after the struggle of running 

The small group that had a chance to have a picture with Maam Aeryn ,our former lecturer

The same group featuring Zaid Mazda as the photographer

Warming up session as you can see that I'm very eager to dance to the music😆

Feeling grateful that I've managed to finish even if it was just 5 km

Moments before our departure to ALAM

That's all for my sharing session with you guys . Stay tuned for more pics and story from me in the near future

This is Haikal signing off
