Lost World Of Tambun Episode 2

Hellooooooo again guys. Haikal here and as promised in my last post, I’ll be continuing the last topic on Lost World of Tambun or more specifically the Night Hot spring . So as you guys have seen in my last entry it was still bright as it was around 1830Hrs at that time . 

Now I'm going to show you the ambience of Lost World OF Tambun in the night plus all the critters that lived in it .Basically , at night there is a few places which is a must visit if you go to Lost World of Tambun. For example , the Luminous Forest , Petting Zoo , Spider Valley and Tin Valley . 

We went roaming around for hours to those places . But unfortunately, the Spider Valley was closed due to some maintenance(why must they do it on that particular day!!!!) plus we were to late for the Luminous Forest so, I’ll just be showing you the last time I went to that particular place . 

As usual I hope you guys will get some information in this entry but most important of all have fun browsing

This pic was taken at a  different time. That's why you can still see my bald like head😂

A pic under the hot waterfall kind of steaming actually

Coincidentally I went there during our Malaysia's Independence Day , that explain the digit 62 behind me

The front view of the place

Picking a rhino's nose  without hesitation

This one was when we went to the funfair site and as usual it was already close

Kind of spooky but this is the Tin Valley where you can search for your own tin in the designated pool

One hungry homo sapient

the Luminous Forest is a place where as per its name luminous so it lights up things that are luminescent

Pardon the aunt and uncle behind

Feat Rocket the Raccoon in the Petting Zoo

I forgot the name actually for this one but it was really cute and cuddly

A parrot who does not repeats after you which kind of disappointing

Only two words that is best to describe this pic FLUFFYYYYY    BUNNYYYYY

Looking for the hamster which was originally running in the wheel. I don't know where that bugger went

Mr. Tapir

Just imagine the snake was out of its glass cage.For sure that pose will turn into a 100 metre sprint

It was soooooooooo longggggg. Give me the creeps

It was a memorable day because i got to spent time with both of my best friends . Given my circumstances as a seafarer in the future , I wanted to spend as much time as possible with my love one . Actually , we spent a little more time at a mamak but let that stay in my memory. 

I hope you guys like my content and keep following my blog for more . I will see you guys in the next one 

This is Haikal signing off
