Swimming Competition Came To A Sad Ending

Well hello there , the title for today is a little bit sad regardding our annual ALAM Sport Month swimming competition . In my class which is DNS 25 ALPHA have quite a few swimmer so we targeted this sport to be the leading sport in our dream to acieve a medal .

 ALAM Sport Month is where ALAM organised various kind of sports incluidng canoe polo, basketball, football, volleyball, takraw , badminton , table tennis , dodgeball ,  andddddddd yeah you guessed it , swimming . So in all of those sports , swimming was our target. There was a few catagories in the swimming which is 4x50m breadth stroke , 4x50 freestyle , submarine and solo swimmer in both breadth stroke and freestyle. 

My friend got a medal in submarine (dive for 25 meter strightt with one breath). His name is Ghazali and he is one of the best swimmer in class. The main event was the 4 x 50 breadth stroke . We managed to get into the finals againts other four teams. We were leading from the first swimmer but at the second swimmer which was me. It seems that I somehow changed my style from breadth stroke into butterfly stroke which I don't even know how to do. 

Nonetheless , the other team saw this opportunity to eliminate us as we were in the first place in the end.It was all good but we were a little bit dissappointed as we had high hopes to win.

 So now let me present to you the pictures during the competition

Prior the competition

Freestyle photo

After the incident ,  we accepted the fact that we lose

Something or someone was distracting us.....hahahahahahha

During the preparation prior swimming

Still preparing😆😆

Although we lose the competition but still we won in heart

A little nasyid pose from us

It was a sad day indeed but it was all in the past . We moved on a preparing for the next competition . Insyaallah

On that note , I end my entry this time with Assalammualaikum W.B.T.

This is Haikal signing off
