Controlling Definition: Control is a primary purpose-oriented management function within an organization. It is a process of comparing the actual performance with the company's set standards to ensure that the activities are carried out in accordance with the plans and if not then take corrective action.

Every manager must track and assess his subordinates ' activities. It allows you to take corrective action.Each manager must monitor and evaluate his / her subordinates ' activities. It helps the manager to take corrective actions in the given timeline in order to avoid contingency or loss to the company.

Controlling is done at the management's lower, middle, and upper levels.

Controlling Functions An effective control structure has the following features: This aims to accomplish operational goals.

  1. Makes capital use optimum.
  2. This assesses the standard's quality.
  3. This carries forth structure and order, too.
  4. Motivates employees and strengthens the morale of employees.
  5. Revising expectations guarantees future planning.
  6. Improves overall organisation's results.

Significant insight into the next planning process is provided by controlling and planning interrelated for power. Controlling is a backward-looking mechanism that restores the preparation role to the management process. Planning is a forward-looking process, as it deals with the future conditions forecasts.

Process of Controlling

Control process involves the following steps as shown below
steps of control
STEP 1 : Standards setting: It means setting the aim that has to be met in order to eventually reach corporate targets. Standards specify success standards.
The standards of control are classified as quantitative and qualitative standards. Quantitative norms are expressed in money terms. In contrast, quality standards include intangible items.
STEP 2 Actual performance measurement: The employee's current performance is measured against aim. With the growing management rates, it becomes difficult to measure the output.
STEP 3Comparison of actual performance with baseline: It measures the degree of disparity between the standard and the actual performance.
STEP 4 : Taking disciplinary actions: Some flaws in actual performance are taken by the boss who corrects.
Controlling process thus regulates companies' activities so that actual performance conforms to the standard plan. An effective control system allows the managers to escape situations that involve the failure of the product.

  • Feedback control: This method entails gathering information about a finished mission, evaluating the information and improvising the same kind of activities in the future.
  • Concurrent control: Real-time control is also called control. This tests any question and investigates it before any damage is sustained. Example: Chart of Control.
  • Predictive / feedforward control: This type of control helps predict problems before they occur. Actions can therefore be made before such a situation occurs.

  1. Saving time and energy 
  2. Allowing executives to focus on important activities. It allows better administrative resource utilization.
  3. Helps the Manager to take prompt corrective action.
  4. Executives should assign duties so that workers can regularly finish the chores.

Controlling, on the other, results from the limitation that the company has no influence over external components. It can prove to be a costly affair, especially for small companies.

