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What is organizing?

Organizing means to arrange and plan (an event or activity) : to arrange or order things so that they can be found or used easily and quickly : to put things into a particular arrangement or order. : to gather (people) into a group that will work on something together.
 Organizing or organising also is the establishment of effective authority relationships among selected work, persons and work places in order for the group to work together efficiently. Or the process of dividing work into sections and departments.

Objectives of Organizing

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1) Helps to achieve organizational goal. 

Organization is employed to achieve the overall objectives of business firms. Organization focuses attention of individual’s objectives towards overall objectives.

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2)Facilitates growth and diversification. 

A good organization structure is essential for expanding business activity. Organization structure determines the input resources needed for expansion of a business activity similarly organization is essential for product diversification such as establishing a new product line. it also stimulates creativity in managers by organizing.

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3)Optimum use of resources. 

To make optimum use of resources such as men, material, money, machine and method, it is necessary to design an organization properly. Work should be divided and right people should be given right jobs to reduce the wastage of resources in an organization.

How to achieve good organizing?

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1)Create a Task List or Checklist

Make a new to-do list every single day based on the previous day's list and anything that came up since the last list was created. Even if you're not a big list maker and only jot down the big projects, look at it every day and cross off what you've completed (or what you've deemed no longer relevant). Not only will this help keep you on top of your tasks, it will make you feel productive when you cross off that item after it's been completed.

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source: · 

2)Carry a Small Notepad
A small, pocket-sized notebook is essential to an organized life. Use this to write down items for your easily forgotten, errands, to-dos, and random thoughts, and carry it with you every where you go. It's endlessly portable, user-friendly, and never needs re-charging. You never know when you'll need to quickly jot something down
