How I react when facing difficulties or problems?
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Everyone will face some difficulties and problems in their daily life. There many difficulties in life for example, having difficulties to eat a proper diet, having problems with studies, having hard time to find job or occupation. In this case, different individual with have their own ways to solve these problems and it may differ from other individual. Here, I would like to share some of my difficulties and problems and how I solve them.
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1. Having difficulties for transport going to ALAM and going back home during overnight leave.
Every month, there will be at least 1 time for every cadet to go home. Some cadet will go home and some don't. For me, I will surely go home every time there is a chance! It's actually important to have some break from the college and spend time with family and friends. Every overnight leave, cadets may go home by many ways. Some will go by their parents, some may take bus at Malacca Central or taking the KTM train at Sg Gadut and some may go back by their own vehicles. For me, I'll always carpool with my batch mate that have their own vehicle as that is the fastest way to go home and it is more efficient as it doesn't cost much. Usually, I will either go back home with Firdaus or Fakhrul. If I'm going with Firdaus, it takes me longer time to reach home as he will drop me off at KTM Bangi while going back home with Fakhrul, he will send me off at the mosque here my house and it only takes 5 minutes to reach my house! So basically, I will inform either one of them and I'll try my best to go back with Fakhrul. In this difficulty, I need to inform them earlier before the overnight leave as there will be many cadets that want to go back by carpooling. Some times, if I forgotten to inform them, I need to inform my parents to pick me up at ALAM. It is kind of difficult for my parents to pick me up as they are working.
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2. Having difficulties in spending money
Money is not everything but everything is money. Almost everything in life requires money. We need money to pay our house, bills, food and outfit. Different people may spend more in different things like for their hobby or for their family. Here, I would like to share you how I manage my spending. Firstly, you need to know the things that you're getting is it a must or just a thing that is nice to have. A must is something that you really need in life like foods. There are variety of foods that are available at the market and make sure that you choose the right one. What is mean by right food? Right food is food that provides nutrients for our body and it doesn't harm us. Fast- food like Mc Donald's, KFC and Dominos Pizza are not healthy for us so this is considered as a nice to have. It doesn't mean that we can not eat any fast food but we need to plan and think wisely so that it won't harm our health. Other that than, we also need outfit. Cloths are some example of outfit that are important. Make sure that you don't over spend on clothing. Choosing proper clothing is important as it will give an impression of someone but remember that you still need to spend wisely as you may need money for other things. When choosing clothing outfits, it doesn't mean that you take the expensive ones and also doesn't mean of taking the cheapest ones. You must choose it depending on the quality. If it is cheap but it doesn't last long, it will still be a waste of money and you will still be spending lots of money for clothing outfit. So just spend wisely according to your need. To manage money, you may also use any mobile application like Monefy. Here, you could log in and put all the data of spending and all the credits into you. I would recommend you to have this application as it will track your spending. By tracking your spending, you can limit yourself from spending as you know how much you have already spend.
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3. Having difficulties in maintaining a good health and exercise
Exercising is an important routine for everyone to maintain good health condition. There are many ways to exercise for example doing simple workout, playing sports and running. Some people may find it difficult to spend time to exercise as they are feeling lazy. An alternative way to get yourself into exercising is by finding a group of people with their exercise routine. Surely there must be people with some routine and they won't skip their routine! So, get involve by joining them in the evening to get some sweat. In a week, you should atleast spend time 30 minutes in a session and it must not be less than 3 times a week! As for students, I recommend to join some sports club like football club, workout club and etc. You will have more motivation to keep on exercising daily.
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4. Having problems in studies
Study is a need for everyone to gain knowledge that is needed in our daily life. Some students find it easy to study alone and some do study group. It really depends on the individual itself. As for me, I recommend to do a study group consist of not more than 4 people as too many people may give distraction. Learn more by discussion on the topic that you are weak and ask for help from others. Make sure that you are really satisfied with what you learn as it will give an impact on future. Study is not about the duration of time and its all about the quality how you study. For better supervision, ask for help!
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